Our Instructors

Niki Tshirgi Headshots-Ordered-0010.jpg

Niki Tschirgi - Owner

Welcome to Anchored Heart Kids Yoga! I am delighted you are here. I am a stay-at-home mom in Spokane, Washington. My husband Matt and I have adopted six kids from foster care. I am trained as a kid’s yoga instructor by The Little Yoga House out of Austin, Texas. After training, I taught at a local kids yoga studio, working with babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary aged children. My most recent training was in trauma-sensitive yoga by GreenTree Yoga out of Salt Lake City, Utah, and I am now a certified trauma-sensitive kids yoga instructor. After this training I knew what I was supposed to do: bring trauma-sensitive yoga to kids. My new mission was, “have mats, will travel.” Prior to the pandemic, I brought yoga into the schools, breaking down the barriers of transportation and location. I worked directly in the classrooms and taught after school programs. From my work in the schools I saw firsthand yoga can be a powerful tool in a child’s tool box to help regulate emotion, grow in body awareness, and build community. What children learn in yoga, they carry with them for the rest of their lives. Currently, I am partnered with Communities in Schools of Spokane County and in December of 2021 I graduated with my 200 RYT with Flowing Tree Yoga. Currently, you can find me on Tuesdays and Thursdays teaching Gentle Yoga at Flowing Tree Yoga. I love supporting adults (caregivers, teachers, parents, foster parents, therapists, etc.) who are supporting the children. Yoga is healing. Yoga is connection. Yoga is fun. - Namaste, Niki